At Hezal, we are dedicated to ensuring your shopping experience is exceptional, which is why we offer exchange (one time) and returns (within 48 hours of delivery) for domestic shipments.
If your purchase doesn't meet your expectations, you have the option to return it to us within 48 hours of delivery.
Please note that items priced below ₹2000 or those bought during a sale are not eligible for return/exchange.
- Visit the Order Tracking Page in the Main Menu, track your order, and you'll find the Return/Exchange option below the status of your order.
- Notify our team about your intention to return the product within 48 hours of delivery by emailing us at
- We'll arrange for the pickup within 48 hours.
- Once our courier partner delivers the shipment back to us in its original and unused condition (this typically takes 5-15 days from the return pickup day), we'll credit a coupon to your wallet within 72 hours for future purchases. We recommend recording a video during the return pickup.
Please remember:
- Requests for return or exchange after 48 hours of delivery will not be entertained under any circumstances.
- For special offers, please refer to the specific terms and conditions mentioned on the offer and discount pages. Return and exchange policies will be applicable as per the terms of the special offer.
- If our team provides a special discount via WhatsApp or email, no returns or exchanges will be applicable, and this will not be separately mentioned on the invoice.
Returns are accepted only for items purchased directly from the Hezal official website ( Returned items must be in new, unused, and resellable condition, with the original packaging, protective coverings, and product information intact. We recommend recording a video during the return pickup.
- Please note that all international orders (outside India) are not eligible for exchange or return under any condition.
- We don't provide Refund at all
Thank you,
Team Hezal